Thursday, April 01, 2010

New Materials at the RPL

It's that time again! Click the link below to browse all of the new materials available through your RPL. For more information on this new feature, click here to view the introductory post.

Highlights from this update include a slew of new travel books, including Rick Steves' London, Paris, Italy and more. We also have new Adult Fiction such as the New York Times bestsellers The Help by Kathryn Stockett and Think Twice by Lisa Scottoline, as well as several new volumes of Young Adult poetry, such as African Acrostics: a word in edgeways by Avis Harley.

Quick note - if you are searching for a specific title and don't feel like scrolling or clicking through the document, you can search by using "Crtl + F" to bring up a "Find" search within the page.

As always, you can view materials available at each branch, request an interlibrary transfer, or place a hold on your new materials through your online account, or simply call your local branch for further information on reserving new materials. Happy borrowing!

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