Monday, November 26, 2012

52 Ways to Use Your Library Card: Week Thirteen

Week Thirteen: Curl up with a good book.

The winter Holiday season is a time of thanks and cheer. But as we rush around to buy presents, decorate, entertain family and friends; we often forget to take care of ourselves. So in your moments of calm, take the time to treat yourself.  One way is to crawl into your favorite chair and curl up with a good book, maybe with a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows on top. Since you never know when those 30 blissful unplanned minutes may appear, keep your table stocked, and what better place to get those books than at your favorite library!

Don't know what to read or ready to try something new? Librarians love to talk about books and recommend titles. We have lots of Reader's Advisory posts on our blog, a new Shelfari bookshelf full of favorites, and lots of Librarians in our branches ready to assist you in filling your table with great new reads or classic favorites. Of course, we can even help you find books on yoga, meditation, crafts, baking or your favorite activity to relieve stress.

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