Friday, August 12, 2016

HP strikes again!

A new, gold and shiny read arrived in a card board box, waiting to be opened. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child had arrived. A book written by Jack Thorne based on the original story by J.K Rowling. I didn't wait in a long line around midnight at the local bookstore to get it. Working at a library has its perks, I was able to snatch it up before the hundreds of holds were filled.

It has been about 9 years since the last Harry Potter book was released. If you're a fan like me, you just hoped that the series didn't end. I still watch the first few movies like I've never seen them before. Rowling is a master at creating life with words and so much vivid detail. The theme parks and multitude of Hogwarts accouterments keep the world of Harry Potter so popular today A true sense of nostalgia with every line of text. I read the book just as fast as I had in grade school.

Now at first look I saw that it was actually in script format; I wasn't too sure about reading it like that. However, once I started, it felt like old times. The terrific trio is back, but with some added extras. We follow their children on an adventure with interesting twists and turns as expected.

Without giving it away, I'd have to say my favorite character in this book was Malfoy's son. Now I know that you're thinking, Malfoy was one of the less desirable characters throughout the Harry Potter series. Many times I wished he'd get his mouth glued shut with a freezing charm. He has a softer side in the this edition and that was pretty intriguing to see.

Overall I think this was a great addition that also added some contrast to the ever changing Harry Potter world. I'd recommend this for my HP fans, but I'm sure they don't need much persuasion. You do need a bit of background on the characters so don't make this your first Harry Potter encounter. Job well done Thorne and Rowling!

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